



The work domain measures gender equality in the labour market and the quality of work. This domain consists of the following two sub-domains: (1) participation, and (2) segregation and quality of work. The participation sub-domain combines two indicators: (i) the full-time equivalent employment (FTE) rate, and (ii) the duration of working life. The FTE counts employed women and men in a way that makes them comparable even though they may work a different number of hours per week. A full-time worker is counted as one FTE unit, while part-time work counts as 0.5 FTE units. The duration of working life is measured by the difference between expected life at birth and adulthood age (15 years) for women and men multiplied by the corresponding employment to population ratio (including 15+ population).

The segregation and quality of work sub-domain cover the following three indicators: (i) sectorial segregation, (ii) flexible working time arrangements, and (iii) job prospects. Sectorial segregation is measured through the percentage of women and men employed in education, human health, and social work activities. The flexible working time arrangement is captured by the share of the part-time employment of women and men in total employment. The job prospects index is estimated by the share of non-vulnerable employment of women and men in total employment. The gender equality index of the work domain is measured on a scale between 0 and 100 points, where 100 is the maximum and indicates the highest level of gender equality in the labour market.


Segregation and Quality of Work